The objective of the APSCE Webinar series is to draw a greater international attention in our individual Special Interest Groups (SIGs) under APSCE (and APSCE as a whole). The webinars should be open to the public. Thus, individual SIGs could take the opportunity to strengthen and expand their communities.
A SIG Webinar could be a panel discussion or a single-speaker session on a trendy topic pertaining to the SIG theme. It should be organised by the SIG Leaders who could tap on their academic networks to identify and invite prominent or emerging researchers, practitioners, industry figures or policy makers of their fields as panellists or speakers.
Speakers and panellists of the APSCE Webinars will be credited on the APSCE official website and the proceedings of the next ICCE.
APSCE Webinar Series Taskforce
(Managed by: APSCE SIG Subcommittee)
Lung-Hsiang WONG (Chair), Maiga CHANG, Niwat SRISAWASDI, Weiqin CHEN