The 5th APSCE International Conference on Computational Thinking and STEM Education 2021 (CTE-STEM 2021) is organized by the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE). CTE-STEM 2021 is hosted by the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE/NTU). This conference continues from the success of the previous four international Computational Thinking conferences organised by the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) and JC@Coolthink in Hong Kong. In addition to Computational Thinking, we will be expanding the conference to invite STEM researchers and practitioners to share their findings, processes and outcomes in the context of computing education or computational thinking.
CTE-STEM 2021 will be a forum for worldwide sharing of ideas as well as dissemination of findings and outcomes on the implementation of computational thinking and STEM development. The conference will comprise keynote speeches, invited speeches, panel discussions, workshops and paper presentations. All accepted papers will be published in ISSN-coded proceedings.
A teacher forum will be organised for teaching practitioners to share their practices in teaching Computational Thinking, Computing and STEM in the classroom. We believe bringing all these would create enriching experiences for educators and researchers to share, learn and innovate approaches to learning through Computational Thinking and STEM education. This year, teachers can participate in Lightning Talks to share ideas about teaching and learning CT.
The 5th APSCE International Conference on Computational Thinking and STEM Education 2021 (CTE-STEM 2021) will be held as a virtual conference.
This conference will build on the successes of the previous Computational Thinking in Education conferences held in Hong Kong for the past 4 years. Next year, we are expanding to include educators and researchers in STEM education to share innovations, ideas, and practices in the conference.
A teacher forum will be organised for teaching practitioners to share their practices in teaching Computational Thinking, Computing and STEM in the classroom. We believe bringing all these would create enriching experiences for educators and researchers to share, learn and innovate approaches to learning through Computational Thinking and STEM education.
Conference Chair
Chee Kit Looi, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University
Conference Co-Chair
Bimlesh Wadhwa, National University of Singapore
Valentina Dagienė, Vilnius University
Local Organising Committee
Peter Seow (Chair), National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University
Bimlesh Wadhwa (Co-Chair), National University of Singapore
Long Kai Wu (Publicity), National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University
Kee Ying Hwa (Proceedings), National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University
Oka Kurniawan (Programs), Singapore University of Technology and Design
Ibrahim Yeter (Events), National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University
Chin Lee Ker (Secretariat), National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University
Shiau Wei Chan (Secretariat), National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University
Teacher Forum Committee
Beng Keat Liew (Chair), Republic Polytechnic
Hon Wai Leong (Co-Chair), National University of Singapore
Soong Chee Gi, Ministry of Education
Norman Lee, Singapore University of Design and Technology
Student Forum Committee
Soong Chee Gi (Chair), Ministry of Education
Hon Wai Leong (Co-Chair), National University of Singapore
Wendy Huang, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University
Joel Leo Qiyi, Student Lead, Dunman High School
International Programme Co-Chairs
Name | Institution |
DAGIENE Valentina | Vilnius University |
HOPPE Heinz Ulrich | University of Duisburg-Essen |
HSU Ting-chia | National Taiwan Normal University |
KUO Bor-chen | National Taichung University of Education |
LI Robert | City University of Hong Kong |
MILRAD Marcelo | Linnaeus University |
SHIH Ju-ling | National Central University |
SIN Kuen-fung | The Education University of Hong Kong |
SONG Ki-sang | Korea National University of Education |
SPECHT Marcus | Technical University of Delft |
SULLIVAN Florence | UMass Amherst |
VAHRENHOLD Jan | University of Münster |
WADHWA Bimlesh | National University of Singapore |
International Programme Committee Members
Name | Institution |
ALEXANDRON Giora | Weizmann Institute of Science |
BIST Ankur Singh | KIET Ghaziabad |
BOTIČKI Ivica | University of Zagreb |
CABIBIHAN John-John | Qatar University |
CERRATTO-PARGMAN Teresa | Stockholm University |
CHANG Li-chieh | National Central University |
CHANG Samuel Chi-cheng | National Taiwan Normal University |
CHANG Shao-Chen | National Taiwan Normal University |
CHEN Guang | Beijing Normal University |
CHEN Ming-puu | National Taiwan Normal University |
CHENG Shu-chen | Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology |
CHENG Wei | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications |
CHEUNG Ray Chak-chung | City University of Hong Kong |
CHIANG Tosti Hsu-cheng | National Taiwan Normal University |
CHOI Hyungshin | Chuncheon National University of Education |
DAVENPORT James H. | University of Bath |
DHANDABANI Lakshmi | Sri Vishnu Educational Society |
GU Xiaoqing | East China Normal University |
HAN SunGwan | Gyeongin National University of Education |
HARRER Andreas | Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts |
HAUCK Jean | Federal University of Santa Catarina |
HEINTZ Fredrik | Linköping University |
HERSHKOVITZ Arnon | Tel Aviv University |
HO Joshua | The University of Hong Kong |
HSIAO Hsien-sheng | National Taiwan Normal University |
HUANG Nen-fu | National Tsing Hua University |
HUANG Shu-hsien | National University of Tainan |
HUNG Hui-chun | Taipei Medical University |
HWANG Gwo-jen | National Taiwan University of Science and Technology |
IYER Sridhar | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay |
JANSEN Marc | University of Applied Sciences Ruhr West |
JONG Morris Siu-yung | The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
KIM Mi-song | University of Western Ontario |
KING Irwin Kuo-chin | The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
KOHEN-VACS Dan | Holon Institute of Technology |
KWOK Lam-for | City University of Hong Kong |
KWOK Linda Wai-ying | The Education University of Hong Kong |
KYNIGOS Chronis | Athens University |
LAI Ming | The Education University of Hong Kong |
LE Nguyen-Thinh | Humboldt University of Berlin |
LEE Jeongmin | Ewha Womans University |
LEONG Hon-wai | National University of Singapore |
LI Xu | University of Arizona (UA South) |
LI Yue | South China University of Technology |
LIN Sung-chiang | National Taipei University of Education |
LU Bin | California State University |
LUI Ann Ming | Hong Kong Baptist University |
MARCELINO Maria | University of Coimbra |
MASON Jon | Charles Darwin University |
MISHRA Shitanshiu | Vanderbilt University |
MOLLER Faron | Swansea University |
OSMAN Kamisah | National University of Malaysia |
OTERO Nuno | Linnaeus University |
PAL Yogendra | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay |
PATTON Evan | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
PINKWART Niels | Humboldt University of Berlin |
RAISINGHANI Vijay | Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies |
ROBLES Gregorio | Rey Juan Carlos University |
ROMÁN-GONZÁLEZ Marcos | National Distance Education University |
SHANG Junjie | Peking University |
SIT Cindy Hui-ping | The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
SO Hyo-jeong | Ewha Womans University |
SWANSON Hillary | Northwestern University |
WANG Qiyun | National Institute of Education |
WEINTROP David | University of Maryland |
WU Ying-tien | National Central University |
YANG Junfeng | Hangzhou Normal University |
YU Yuen-tak | City University of Hong Kong |
ZEIGLER David | California State University |
ZHANG Jinbao | Beijing Normal University |
ZHANG Yi | Central China Normal University |
ZHENG Lanqin | Beijing Normal University |
ZHONG Baichang | Nanjing Normal University |
ÖZÇINAR Hüseyin | Pamukkale University |
Speaker Bio
Miles is principal lecturer in Computing Education at the University of Roehampton. He teaches on the University's secondary computing education teacher training programme and its digital media degree. His research focus is on uptake and achievement in computing education. Prior to joining Roehampton, he spent 18 years in four schools, much of the time as an ICT coordinator and most recently as a head teacher.
He is a board member of England's National Centre for Computing Education, Computing At School, the BCS Academy of Computing and its National Centre for Computing Education. He is a fellow of the BCS, RSA, HEA and Chartered College of Teaching, and a member of the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Over the years he has contributed to a number of computing related projects including the national curriculum computing programmes of study, Switched on Computing, Barefoot Computing, QuickStart Computing, CAS TV, Project Quantum, Hello World and the Royal Society's Mathematical Futures programme.
He gives regular keynotes and CPD workshops on computing and education technology in the UK and abroad and has worked on a number of international consultancy projects involving technology enhanced learning, curriculum development and CPD.
Many have used the development of computational thinking as a justification for including computer science in national curricula for all students, and yet there remains some debate about what this means, in both theory and practice. In this talk, Miles explores two contrasting interpretations of computational thinking, and the implications of these for classroom practice.
Turning first to the view that computational thinking is the applications of ideas from computer science to other contexts, Miles shares examples of some of the teaching and assessment resources based on this view. He draws parallels between computational thinking and other discipline specific approaches, such as mathematical reasoning, design thinking and scientific thinking. He investigates the evidence for common approaches to problem solving across STEM disciplines.
Miles goes on to consider a more programming-specific interpretation of computational thinking, in which it is viewed as an approach to automating the solutions to problems. He explores how programmers typically tackle problems and looks at how programming tasks might be used to teach and assess problem solving approaches that sit above the detail of implementation as code in specific languages.
Attempting some synthesis of these two perspectives, Miles concludes by giving examples of how STEM disciplines can offer motivating contexts for programming tasks and how school pupils might apply their programming skills to support their study in mathematics, science and technology subjects.
Speaker Bio
Prof. Kong Siu Cheung has produced over 250 academic publications in the areas of pedagogy in the digital classroom and online learning; policy on technology-transformed education and professional development of teachers for learner-centered learning; and computational thinking education. He has completed/conducted 75 research projects since joining the University (the then Hong Kong Institute of Education). Prof. Kong is at present serving as the Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (RPTEL) and Journal of Computers in Education (JCE). He was in the presidential roles for the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE) for six years, as the President-Elect in 2012 and 2013, the President in 2014 and 2015, and Past-President in 2016 and 2017. Prof. Kong is the Convener of Computational Thinking Education in Primary and Secondary Schools International Research Network (IRN) under World Educational Research Association (WERA) since May 2019. He also convened the WERA IRN Theory and Practice of Pedagogical Design for Learning in Digital Classrooms from December 2012 to December 2015. Prof. Kong is leading an international project on promoting computational thinking development and coding education for eight years starting from 2016.
Computational thinking education is a growing emphasis in the K12 education sector over the world in the digital era. For an effective implementation of computational thinking education in K12, school teachers play an important role in guiding the young students to access the different entry points for developing competencies related to computational thinking. A quality teacher development is crucial for preparing K12 school teachers to well understand the concepts, master the practices, and develop the perspectives necessary for computational thinking development. This speech will first share a cross-year experience in delivering a well-received and effective teacher development programme on the design of pedagogy for computational thinking education in K12; and then illustrate a follow-up plan for a further cross-year scale-up of teacher development which affords flexibility for teachers in K12 to be ready for the diversity of individual schools on the planning and implementation of computational thinking education. The speaker will talk about the elements of effective teacher development for computational thinking education in K12; introduce the pedagogy of “To Play, To Think, To Code” designed for computational thinking education in K12; share the recent cross-year experience in delivering a teacher development programme on computational thinking education; discuss the success factors and lessons learned for that teacher development programme; and finally share the plan for scaling up the teacher development which features with seven steps to address four dimensions of TPACK specific for computational thinking development through programming education.
Speaker Bio
Dr. Hsi is a Principal Scientist with BSCS Science Learning, a non-profit organization that develops curricular materials, provides professional learning, and conducts research and evaluation in science and technology. For over 20 year, Dr. Hsi has brought her R & D leadership to the creative design and study of STEM learning applications including award winning mobile apps, hands-on exhibits, craft-based STEM kits, and technology-enhanced curricula in design partnerships with K-12 teachers, science centers, afterschool programs, and museums. From 2002 to 2010, Hsi worked at Exploratorium in San Francisco directing new media research and evaluation to study informal learning mediated by mobile computers, science websites, and STEM digital libraries. From 2010 to 2015 at the University of California Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science, Hsi co-created the TechHive Studio, a youth makerspace and STEM project-based leadership innovation program; the digital library of curated hands-on activities; and mobile health apps for children’s hospitals. Hsi has worked closely with Ann and Mike Eisenberg from the CraftTech Lab at CU Boulder on Paper Mechatronics (, a papercraft-based approach to creative engineering education. Most recently with the Concord Consortium’s InSPECT project she researched the integration of IoT-enabled sensors and computational thinking with science practices to support student-centered data production in science classrooms. Hsi’s design-based research has been published in books and journals with support from the U.S. National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and private foundations. Hsi reviews for the International Journal of Science Education and has served on the editorial board for the informal learning strand of the Journal of the Learning Sciences.
Computational tools and computational education experiences can be designed in a myriad of ways to support robust learning of STEM disciplinary content, 21st century skills, and important practices that will serve students in school and beyond. Creative uses of computational components stemming from the Maker Movement has generated novel constructionist-oriented materials for learners to use as objects to think and act with. K-12 art classes commonly use low-tech materials like paper, foil, and glue to make projects, however these same materials can be fashioned into activities to learn about the nature of computational systems, scientific phenomena, and key computing concepts. Combining high-tech Internet-of-Thing sensors, programmable microcontrollers, and other emerging computational materials, instructors have design choices for building lessons and selecting curricular activities to support both STEM learning and computational thinking to engage a wider diversity of students’ purposes and interests.
In this talk, I invite us to expand our collective imaginations by offering a perspective on design for learning that places value on learners’ agency, materiality, and social participation. Drawing from recent projects and research supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation in CSforAll, computational thinking in high school science, youth’s computational craft making, and teacher professional learning, I highlight the design possibilities of how all learners can be positioned as creators and producers to recognize the many assets that children bring to learning and valuing the different ways they choose to work with computational tools. I also share some thoughts on how this focus on designing for learner agency has implications for educational equity.
Speaker Bio
A/P Ho Weng Kin specializes in programming language semantics, domain theory, and the use of topology in understanding the computational phenomenon. His interests also include the use of technology in teaching and learning mathematics, particularly via coding. Recently his expertise has been drawn upon by the Ministry of Education, Singapore, to promote teachers’ awareness in harnessing Computational Thinking to teach Mathematics.
This talk examines the integration of Computational Thinking (CT) into school mathematics education. From a mathematics educator perspective, relevant aspects of CT in the teaching and learning of Mathematics would be zoomed into. In particular, we explore the adjunction between Computational Thinking and Mathematical Thinking, and discuss how this interplay of paradigms creates a game-changer for both the Mathematics teacher and learner. We look into the context of the Singapore classroom, and discuss authentic classroom implementation of “Math + C” lessons, pilot studies in schools. We will discuss our research findings of how a secondary school developed a professional learning community for incorporating CT in all their lower secondary Mathematics classes, as well as examine the thinking processes of students as they learn Mathematics with coding. Re-looking and revising the Mathematics curriculum in the direction of CT education would be discussed.
Speaker Bio
Anshul Sonak is a global business strategy and program designer with a focus on digital readiness, future of work-learning skills and social impact. He is a Public-Private Partnerships creator, thought leadership enabler, reputation enhancer, business development, and market expansion innovator. He is passionate about technology innovation and changing skills - jobs, youth empowerment, education transformation, reducing inequality. He is recognized as a trusted advisor to governments, civil society, and academia for building new transformational models. He gives keynotes in multiple governments and multi-lateral forums (like of UNDP, UNESCO, UN ESCAP, ADB, USAID etc.). He is the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Asia’s first Youth CoLab Champion. He is a judge in MIT's Inclusive Innovation Challenge.
The way we live, play, learn, and work has changed drastically with the double disruption of Covid and automation. It is causing nations to re-examine their competitiveness, address the digital skills gap urgently, and build more trust and responsible usages of emerging technologies such as AI to revitalize society. AI is considered as new electricity, an essential technology that cuts across all aspects of human lives. Hence governments worldwide are creating comprehensive national AI strategies to create a sustainable, inclusive, and positive impact on its citizens, industries, and overall societies. However, the AI skill crisis is recognized as the most significant barrier for wider AI adoption. Public awareness and understanding of AI remain low as long as AI-related technical and social skills are limited only to large organizations, technology, or higher education communities. Hence, there is an urgent need to demystify AI and democratize AI through appropriate AI readiness education programs for the current & future workforce and broader citizens. A skilled and competent workforce is the foundation for any nation and industry's growth, enabling the economy to adjust to disruptions. An AI-driven economy will require a new approach to a nation's education system, including ways to empower non-tech audiences with AI social & tech skills for real-world applications. Hence Intel has rolled out a comprehensive AI readiness-focused education program called 'Intel® AI For Youth' in partnership with governments and academia worldwide with the objective of 'empowering youth with AI skills in an inclusive way.' The session will provide an overview of the program and how STEM educators worldwide can build AI readiness and skill for the next generation.
Speaker Bio
Sengmeng loves technology, media and the fusion of both. He has over a decade of experience in the mobile communications and interactive digital media industries, launching first-of-its-kind solutions for the likes of Nokia and Sony Ericsson. He joined the Singapore Public Service in 2012 where his team shaped the billion-dollar Asia-pacific games industry. They also launched the country's first and only mobile experiential platform – Lab on Wheels – demystifying (back-then) frontier technologies like MxR and AI/ML to students and masses. Today Sengmeng is the Deputy Director for AI Singapore, focussing on national talents programmes and AI standards and ethics work with international bodies including ISO/IEC JTC1 SC42, IEEE. He also led alliance partnerships and provided advisory to partners such as Chulalongkorn University. His team also launched Singapore's first national assessment and certification framework for AI Certified Engineers. Sengmeng continues his community contributions with executive appointments in chapters within Singapore Computer Society, where he co-founded the first official augmented/virtual reality special interest group in Singapore. Sengmeng recently co-founded a new AI Professionals Association (AIP) to rally an active community of AI Certified Engineers and AI practitioners to harness the scientific and economic potentials for the betterment of mankind.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is arguably one of the most important technology in this decade. Students should acquire basic knowledge and awareness of AI early on so that they understand its implications and how that affect the way they live and work as they grow into adulthood. AI Singapore has developed a programme named AI4K that delivers AI literacy to primary school students aged 10 to 12 years old. We use agile methodology to overcome the shortcomings of traditional curriculum development approach that is inadequate to teach a constantly changing STEM subject like AI. The method produces a curriculum that is adaptive to new developments and able to incorporate ongoing dialogues such as AI ethics. AI4K programme interfaces closely with the ‘AI Educator’ ecosystem and identifies the key role of Parents early on that makes the programme outreach successful and sustainable. The programme was launched in Singapore since June 2019 and achieved significant results within 9 months, and is ongoing.
Speaker Bio
As the Head of Education for Google Cloud in Southeast Asia, Gary is responsible for helping to transform the government and education agenda in this digital transformation of industries through successful executions of a broad set of initiatives within Singapore and the ASEAN region. He engages with Educators, Government Elites and Policy Leaders as their trusted advisor to ensure all stakeholders are provided with the latest in education technology to enhance learning environments and ensure a steady pool of future-ready individuals.
Technology is playing an increasing role in everything we do, shaping growth, disrupting industry landscapes and providing the catalyst for transformation. Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have all experienced how digital technology allowed for business continuity; how teaching and learning continued on; and how businesses innovated to keep their customers engaged virtually. However, we also need to recognize that it was not smooth sailing for everyone. While technology can and will continue to be the enabler, us as individuals, need to equip ourselves with new skills in order to rebound, and to achieve more in the various roles we each play in our organizations and in society at large. In this session, Gary will share his thoughts about how learning is currently being redefined in our new normal environment, the imperative need for skills to be reinvented and how technology can play an integral role in jobs and skills matching as we look towards a vision of developing a "learn-ready" Singapore.